Connection Gems

The Connection Gem of the week applies Mindful Compassionate Dialogue to situations in daily life and offers clarity and practical skills. You can find an archive of Connection Gems using the list or search engine below.

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Wise Heart Wise Heart

Practice Thriving and Resilience: Skill 3: Take action to nourish emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual needs on a consistent daily or weekly basis

Each MCD Relationship Competency identifies 6 Skills, along with specific practices for learning each. For more context about MCD Relationship Competency 9: Thriving & Resilience, see Skill 1: Describe events using neutral observations and Skill 2: Meet both positive and negative events with equanimity.

Skill 3: Take action to nourish emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual needs on a consistent daily or weekly basis

Dividing needs into these four categories is offered as a simplified way to reflect on your needs. Using these four categories it might be easier to see what parts of life you give more attention to and which may need more of your attention.


Create balance:

  1. On a blank piece of paper, create four columns with the headings: emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual. 

  2. Using the needs list, place each need into one or more of these categories.

  3. Now use a highlight marker to highlight each need you consistently meet of all the needs you put into categories.

  4. Notice where you have a greater percentage of highlighted needs. What does this tell you about how you organize your life or where you may have biases about which needs are more important?

  5. Choose three needs you meet easily and name the ways you meet them.

  6. Choose three needs that if you attended to them more often it would contribute to your thriving. Write down a specific doable request or action to meet each of these needs in the coming week.

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