Gratitude Economy

Let’s create an economy based on

the power of gratitude

and giving and receiving from the heart

Express Gratitude

We, here at Wise Heart, trust in the satisfaction that human beings feel when we live from gratitude and become aware of the power we have to contribute to Life and share our resources. 

With tremendous gratitude, we are aware that everything we offer at Wise Heart is possible due to the generosity of many who have supported us and continue to support the consciousness and skills of love and connection.

We trust that when we create a certain quality of connection we naturally act with compassion and generosity and can care for the needs of all.

Because we recognize that the economic system in which we live does not promote generosity nor help distribute resources, we are taking steps to support a new way of managing resources based on transparency, trust, and gratitude. We want to live in a world in which resources flow more naturally towards needs, and money doesn’t determine whether one’s needs are met.

At this time we have a hybrid model of economics. We have numerous offerings available to anyone who wants to learn, transform, and practice the consciousness and skills of connection: Connection Gem of the Week, the podcast, the short videos on each relationship competency, the webinar series, the jackal dictionary, interviews, and handouts available for download.

We make all of our pre-recorded courses, along with a 28 week course specifically designed for couples, accessible for what we consider a low cost membership. Scholarships and discounts are offered to the BIPOC community for memberships and all other offerings. We offer two low cost options for participating live: MCD companions and a community practice group.

For in-person offerings we are experimenting with a donation range depending on the particular offering. For live online courses with Elia, we are presenting these as an offering that is paid for in full with an option to send an email to negotiate.

We recognize that it will take time for all of us to shift into an alternative way of sharing resources and trusting in gratitude and community for security rather than money. We invite you to join us in this commitment to a more equitable world based on care and a sense of security found in generosity. Capitalism is a large wheel that feeds fear, scarcity, and greed, while seeking to endlessly expand at the expense of our earth and all living beings upon it. We can make a difference. We can make a change together as we reach out in trust and build connection and community. We can enter the synergy of giving and receiving from the heart.

We invite you into a new kind of discernment. When there is not an expected transaction involving money, there can be a tendency to devalue what you receive. We know in our hearts that money does not determine value, but yet there is incredible propaganda that would have us think otherwise. 

Please let a sense of resonance, clarity, and your heart’s longing be your guide as you decide how to give— not just to support Wise Heart, but anywhere in your life. Let your attention rest on the quality of what you have been given, rather than comparing prices. Let your giving be guided by a fullness of heart rather than a record of transactions. Let your receiving open to what you need to thrive rather than what you think you deserve.

We realize that this may be a new way of doing things for you and therefore could be anxiety-provoking. This is also new for us! We are learning how to live and create a new community based on trust, gratitude, and generosity. We ask for your patience and collaboration as we figure this out together. If you need more information to help you discern regarding giving, receiving and creating community, contact us at