Connection Gems

The Connection Gem of the week applies Mindful Compassionate Dialogue to situations in daily life and offers clarity and practical skills. You can find an archive of Connection Gems using the list or search engine below.

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Wise Heart Wise Heart

Practice Thriving and Resilience: Skill 6: Broaden and build interdependent and supportive relationships within community

Each MCD Relationship Competency identifies 6 Skills, along with specific practices for learning each. For more context about MCD Relationship Competency 9: Thriving & Resilience, see Skill 1: Describe events using neutral observations, Skill 2: Meet both positive and negative events with equanimity, Skill 3: Take action to nourish emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual needs on a consistent daily or weekly basis, Skill 4: Express 5 positives to every one negative, and Skill 5: Engage in activities that provide meaning, purpose, and care for others.

Skill 6: Broaden and build interdependent and supportive relationships within community

Human beings thrive in community. From the most basic physiological regulation to the most profound spiritual communion we are meant to support each other. Over and over again research reveals what we already know in our hearts— that when we are accompanied, we find resilience in the most difficult challenges. A traumatic event that is met with supportive community transforms into healing, growth, and a whole new level of capacity.


Take a moment to name who makes up your supportive community.  Community might include animals, trees, water, grasses, etc. as well as humans.

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