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Schedule A Private Session With An MCD Companion

One-to-One Support for Learning Mindful Compassionate Dialogue (MCD)

* First session offered as a gift — use coupon code FIRSTSESSION *

Is this you?

Whether you are new to Wise Heart, have been attending live classes, or working through self-paced offerings, individual support might be a helpful option for you. 

As someone new to Wise Heart, an MCD Companion can help you understand our offerings and what might be a fit for you. They can describe the experiences of a live class as well as self-paced learning. They can also help you  make use of Wise Heart’s free resources.

As a student in the midst of current learning and practice with Wise Heart, you might want to deepen your understanding of MCD consciousness or get help applying the skills you're learning to specific situations. You might also need the emotional resources of more in-depth empathy and subtle reflection.

For couples, support from an MCD Companion is structured to guide you through specific course curriculum. It does not include spontaneous guided dialogue between you and your partner.

What’s it all about?

As you dedicate yourself to transformation and cultivating the consciousness and skills for thriving relationships, it’s essential to have support. Sometimes individual support is the best strategy for working with a particular challenge or question. MCD Companions can offer you support in a variety of ways. They are available to:

  • Offer empathy and reflection

  • Clarify the resources available at Wise Heart and how to use them

  • Answer conceptual questions about the consciousness and system of MCD

  • Help you find the particular skills and relationship competencies most relevant to a challenge you face.

  • Help you refine how you apply a particular skill or relationship competency

  • Help you identify possible obstacles in your practice.

  • Engage in role plays to practice particular skills and prepare for challenging situations

  • Help you find an anchor

  • Identify and practice strategies for regulation

  • Help you determine if a particular class series or workshop would meet your needs

Individual support from a Wise Heart  MCD Companion is not mental health therapy. Words like accompaniment, tutoring, mentoring, or listening are more apt for this offering.

What to expect?

You will be invited to begin the session with a minute of mindfulness and then state your intention and hopes or goals. Together you will then create a plan about how to proceed. For example, you might decide to begin with listening and empathic reflection and then shift to a particular kind of practice. Upon closing, you will be invited to share what you are taking away from the session and any specific and doable actions you would like to follow through with to continue your practice.



I am honored to have this opportunity to hold space for you and support you in your journey through empathic listening and pointing you to other resources you might need.

I offer deep listening from the heart in a space of acceptance. I can help you bring attention to what matters most.


My aim as an MCD Companion is to listen with my heart and, by offering you empathy and reflection, to help you find your way forward on your path. I also aim to help you figure out what universal human needs of yours could benefit from some nourishment, making your life more wonderful.

I may also point you to MCD resources that could be helpful.

My particular area of interest and my dream is to see faith communities be a safe place where all can thrive and can get their needs met, especially the needs for belonging and authenticity.

I know I want to be seen and heard for who I am, and I want you to experience the same. I would like to contribute to your life, and I am happy to support you in this.


Adriana is a good listener. She brings heart based empathy and a genuine curiosity to her interactions with others. She is a mother, a partner, a community member, and a healer, who walks a path of reflection and discernment. Adriana has been doing MCD and NVC practice for years and experiences its power to engage us all and manifest the world in which we may healthfully inhabit together.


MCD is a framework that has supported significant evolution for me personally, and I am delighted to be able to show up and hold space for any person along their journey. 

I value compassion, courage, and connection, and hope to bring empathy, active listening and a curiosity to my interactions. 

As a member of the LGTBQIA+ community, I am passionate about diversity, equity, and Inclusion. I aim to create safe spaces where we can value differences, demonstrate openness, and earn trust.




*We welcome requests for appointments beyond those shown on the schedules below. Just email us at!*

October 31

Tea & Empathy: A Wise Heart Community Space (In-Person, Portland, OR)

December 1

15-Minute Guided Meditation of Loving Kindness