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SOLD OUT - Drop-In Skills Practice Group on January 6, 2020

  • 4312 Southeast Stark Street Portland, OR, 97215 United States (map)
NVC MCD Portland Practice Group.jpg

Is this you?

You value effective and compassionate communication. You want to cultivate mindfulness, and skills that help you create thriving relationships.

You’ve taken an introductory workshop with Wise Heart, an introduction to NVC with another trainer, or you have read Marshall Rosenberg’s book and have started to practice in your own life. You know that these skills require consistent attention and support to integrate into your life, and you’re looking for a structured practice opportunity. You enjoy coming together in a community of shared values for this important practice.

What is it all about?

Each month in 2019, Wise Heart is offering a structured practice group focusing on the skills of Mindful Compassionate Dialogue (MCD). This is an opportunity to hone basic skills that support deeper integration of MCD practices into daily life. You can sign up for one or more practice groups separately, or join for the whole year.

January → Competency #1: Appreciation

February → Competency #2: Empathy

March → Competency #3: Honest Expression

April → Competency #4: Self-Empathy

May → Competency #5: Recognizing Reactivity

June → Competency #6: Managing Reactivity

July → Competency #7: Needs-Based Negotiation

August → Competency #8: Life-Serving Boundaries

September → Competency #9: Thriving & Resiliency

October → Competency #10: Relationship Repair

November → Competency #11: Emotional Security

December → Competency #12: Healthy Differentiation

What to expect:

Each class will begin with guided meditation or mindfulness. We will present an overview for our evening of practice, and then will introduce the first exercise. You will engage in structured exercises in pairs, small groups, or within the whole group. Exercises can be modified to give you more or less challenge depending on your learning edge. Exercises may include role plays. There will be an opportunities to debrief.

You will have a practice opportunity for each week based on the topic from the practice group, and can share about how your practice went for that week in the online forum. If you would like to participate in the online forum, please select it as an option when you register.


  • Trainers: Sarah Zimmerman & David Zimmerman

  • Prerequisites:

    • An introductory workshop with Wise Heart, or an introduction to NVC with another trainer.

    • Or, you have read Marshall Rosenberg’s book and have started to practice in your own life.

  • When: Monday, January 6th from 7pm to 9pm

  • Where: Friends Meeting House: 4312 SE Stark, Portland OR 97215

  • Cost: $15 per class



This workshop is SOLD OUT

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Two-Hour Introductory Workshop for Couples on November 9, 2019 (Portland, OR)

January 10

Making Requests: Empowered Communication - Eight Week Series Beginning January 10, 2020 (Video Conferencing or Self-Paced)