Mindful compassionate dialogue

online course library for


To access any of the courses shown below, as well as any of our self-paced courses for couples, join our Online Membership Community.

We offer a free 1-month trial for new members. Members enjoy unlimited access to the entire self-paced course library, and can take multiple courses simultaneously.

introductory courses

Short Introductory Workshop

This course will give you tools to manage reactivity, listen deeply, ask for what you need, and negotiate with others.

Learn the Basics - Introduction to MCD - 4 Week Course

This course will help you create healthy relationships and relate to yourself and others from authenticity and compassion. Offered by Jean McElhaney, recorded in 2022.

MCD Competency 1: Appreciation

Learn to Communicate What Works - Appreciation - 90 Minute Course

Appreciation practice lays a foundation for collaborative and vibrant relationships. It supports the ability to meet challenges with skill and grace and contributes to resilience.

Train Your Attention to Notice What Works - Appreciation - 8 Week Course

Appreciation is a form of positive feedback that uses clear and specific terms to give attention to and keenly observe what is life-serving.

MCD Competency 2: Empathy

Empathic Listening - 90 Minute Course

This course is designed for anyone wanting to meet others with compassion and empathy while maintaining life-serving boundaries.

Empathy & Life-Serving Boundaries - 90 Minute Course

In this course, you will be introduced to Life-Serving Boundaries and how they apply in the context of offering or receiving empathy.

Empathic Listening - 8 Week Course

This course will give you an opportunity to learn to listen from the heart. You will learn to connect to another's experience without losing yourself.

MCD Competency 3: Honest Expression

Learn to Speak from Authenticity and Self-Responsibility - Honest Expression - 90 Minute Course

For anyone who wants better communication skills and to express themselves from a place of greater self-awareness and self-responsibility.

Honest Expression and Making Requests - 8 Week Course

This course will help you with making specific and doable requests of yourself and others, and entering into Needs-Based Negotiation.

MCD Competency 4: Self-Empathy

Practical Tools for Self-Compassion - Self-Empathy - 90 Minute Course

This course is for anyone who would like to cultivate a grounded sense of confidence using concrete tools.

Living from a Kind and Centered Place in Yourself - Self-Empathy - 8 Week Course

You would like to make peace with your inner critics and be able consider your own needs as much as do those of others. This course is for anyone who would like to live from a centered and confident place.

MCD Competencies 5 & 6: Recognizing reactivity & managing reactivity

Learn to Recognize Reactivity - 90 Minute Course

Recognizing reactivity means freedom. The moment you can recognize that reactivity has appeared, you can be free from its grip on you.

Learn to Manage Reactivity - 90 Minute Course

A whole world of possibility can open up for you and your relationships. You can find it is safe to be yourself in your relationships.

Transforming Reactivity I - 4 Week Course

Learn specific and concrete tools for managing reactivity in yourself and meeting reactivity in others. Begin to transform your inner dialogue to one of inner clarity and self-compassion.

Bringing Light to Shame - 4 Week Course

You want to learn practical tools for moving through shame to the vulnerable feelings underneath and then identify and take action on your needs.

Transforming Reactivity II - 8 Week Course

You would like to unhook yourself from getting caught in your own reactive patterns and those of others, and stand up for for what you value and need as well as be present for others.

Bringing Light to Shame - 8 Week Course

Learn to bring shame fully into the light of consciousness and build a compassionate and skillful relationship to it.

Practicing with Anger - 8 Week Course

Meeting anger—in yourself and in others—is an essential skill. If you are ready to learn more about anger and how to relate to it, join us for this pre-recorded course.

Chronic Reactivity I - Introduction to Reactive Patterns - 8 Week Course

You want to understand and find freedom from past pain that comes up and gets projected onto the present.

Chronic Reactivity II - Integrating Reactive Patterns - 6 Week Course

Dive into more practice with patterns of reactivity and study them through various experiential exercises and role plays. This course is intended to help you feel confident that you can recognize each pattern.

Chronic Reactivity III: Healing Responses - 9 Week Course

This course is for anyone who has completed our “Transforming Chronic Reactivity” series, or completed professional training in character theory from the Hakomi framework.

MCD Competency 7: Needs Based Negotiation

Needs-Based Negotiation - 90 Minute Course

Enter into challenging dialogues with a confidence that all needs can be honored.

10 Ways to Identify Your Needs - 90 Minute Course

Identify and connect with universal needs. This course provides an opportunity to deepen your understanding and build skill through experiential learning.

Staying Grounded In Conflict And Making Effective Agreements - Needs-Based Negotiation - 8 Week Course

Find the confidence to engage in successful negotiation with others while staying connected to your own needs and respecting others’ needs.

MCD Competency 8: Life-Serving boundaries

Life-Serving Boundaries - 90 Minute Course

You want to be generous and kind, yet find that you are giving yourself away. You are ready to get clear about how to say yes when you mean yes and no when you mean no.

3 Simple Strategies for Better Boundaries - Mini Course

Do you say “yes” when you really want to say “no”? Do you find you have no time to yourself, or are going along with ideas or activities that aren’t really right for you?

Life-Serving Boundaries - 4 Week Course

Setting boundaries is about being firmly grounded what works for you. It means making conscious decisions about how you will relate to another or behave in a particular situation.

Life-Serving Boundaries - 8 Week Course

Learning to set boundaries with yourself and others helps you create a life that is balanced and nourishing. Learn what Life-Serving Boundaries are from the framework of Mindful Compassionate Dialogue.

Offering Compassion with Healthy Boundaries - 8 Week Course

You can set clear boundaries with a compassionate heart. Life-serving boundaries help you care for what's most important in a skillful way.

MCD Competency 9: Thriving & Resilience

Thriving & Resilience - 90 Minute Course

This course is for anyone who wants to live an intentional life that reflects your values and truly supports you.

Responding to Overwhelm & Stress - 6 Week Course

Learn and practice skills most useful for finding equanimity and groundedness in the face of stress on a personal and global scale.

MCD Competency 10: Relationship Repair

Relationship Repair - 90 Minute Course

You want the confidence that any rupture in a relationship can be addressed and repaired.

Relationship Repair - 8 Week Course

You care deeply about maintaining connection with those you love and taking responsibility for the impact your actions have on others. You also want to be able to dialogue about what others do that don’t meet needs for you.

MCD Competency 11: emotional security

Emotional Security - 90 Minute Course

You would like to take things less personally. You want to trust others more easily and take in their care for you.

Cultivating Emotional Security - 8 Week Course

You know that reactivity interferes with being the person you want to be. You are ready to learn and practice skills to gain confidence and manage reactivity.

Attachment Theory and Relationship Skills - 8 Week Course

This series will help you understand how the psychological system of attachment impacts your relationships and how you can take action to cultivate relationship skills that build emotional security in personal relationships.

MCD Competency 12: Healthy Differentiation

Healthy Differentiation - 90 Minute Course

When you have a strong sense of healthy differentiation, you can access a new sense of both autonomy and intimacy in your relationships.

Dating with Skill and Discernment - 4 Hour Course

You would like to learn and practice the consciousness and skills of Mindful Compassionate Dialogue in the context of dating.

Be Yourself In Relationship - Healthy Differentiation - 8 Week Course

You want to trust that you will stay true to yourself in any relationship and you are ready to build a solid ground to stand on.

The 9 Foundations of MCD

The 9 Foundations - 8 Week Course

Cultivating the nine foundations allows you to access skills when you need them most and count on them as your natural response.

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