wise heart

Mindful Compassionate Dialogue

A Sense of Meaning, Purpose and Fulfillment depends wholly on the Quality of Your Relationships

Wise Heart offers Mindful Compassionate Dialogue (MCD)—a comprehensive system and map that describes the process and skills necessary for cultivating thriving relationships with yourself and others.

Over the last 20 years, Wise Heart has helped thousands of people gain the skills and understanding they need to create honest, healthy, and caring relationships with partners, family, friends, and coworkers.

The Wise Heart


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The Life-Serving Boundaries Book


This book provides clear and detailed information which will give you a sense of confidence that you can meet challenges and stay true to your deepest values.

Our weekly email blog applying Mindful Compassionate Dialogue to situations in daily life, offering clarity and practical skills.

Self-paced courses for individuals and couples

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We regularly offer live virtual and in-person workshops, and opportunities for one-on-one support.